Beacon Hill Bluefaced Leicesters
My flock of traditional pedigree Bluefaced Leicesters have gloriously purled lustrous fleeces. This breed of longwool sheep comes originally from the North East of England where it was developed from the Dishley Leicester as a superb sire line, bestowing length, milkiness and outstanding maternal ability. Today the breed is central to the British sheep industry; Bluefaced rams mated with resilient local Hill ewes such as the Scottish Blackface, Swaledale and Welsh Mountain produce Mule ewes which combine hardiness with outstanding and prolific lamb rearing ability. In the South West, this hybrid vigour produces quality Exmoor Mules when the Bluefaced Leicester is mated with the local Exmoor Horn ewes.

My small flock of less than a dozen ewes produces fine fleece and breeding stock. Since founding the flock I have bred with high quality Traditional type tups to produce sheep with good mouths and strong conformation. Shearling rams are sold both privately and at Autumn sales. Fleeces are in demand by handspinners and felters, and have regularly won prizes at local shows. Most of the wool now goes into my own fabric.